Plan n´Vacíos  | Descarbonización y Renaturalización Location: Málaga, Spain Year: 2019 Customer:  Commissioned by the Malaga City Council through the Urban Environment Observatory (OMAU).   #Decarbonization  #Renaturalization The document is an approach to the problem of urban sprawl in Malaga through the study of its gaps, based on its strategic...

n´OT |External Consultancy | Evaluation of bilateral coordinated WASH response at KaraTepe II camp Location: Kara Tepe II, Lesvos, (Greece). Year: 2021 Client:  IFRC | GRC #Emergency  #Refugees The purpose of the evaluation is to determine the achievements of the WASH outputs analysing in how far the beneficiaries’ actual WASH needs...

n´OT | Final Evaluation of Hurricane Dorian Operation in Bahamas.   Location: Bahamas, Caribbean Islands Year: 2021 Client:  American Red Cross Framework: Technical Assistance #Emergency  #Refugees   The evaluation assesses the effectiveness, efficiency, and relevance of the AmRC recovery response to the Dorian hurricane in the Bahamas, with a particular focus on the support...

Accessibility toolkit for IOM Iraq   Location: Iraq Year: 2021 Client:  CIOM Iraq   The consultancy aims to produce a document that will serve as a guide for improving accessibility in the interventions carried out by IOM in Iraq in the field of construction and building adaptation.   After the review and...

n'OT | Technical assistance to the Spanish Red Cross for the development of the specifications for the location and fitting out of TEMPORARY HOSTING places for GROUPS OF PEOPLE IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS Location: Spain Year: 2019 Customer:  Cruz Roja #AssistanceTechnical #Emergency Accommodation for groups of people in emergency situations should be welcoming...

Plan n'UNDO | Plaza España  Location: Plaza de España, Madrid, Spain Year: 2016 Workframe:  Plaza España Competition organised by Madrid City Council #Public Space #Stay The proposal is based on the definition of essential actions with minimum intervention and maximum impact on the nearby scale and immediate response, but without giving...

Cost-effective management of assets by prioritising their protection Location: Old Betijai Fronton, Madrid, Spain Year: 2018 Framework: Competition called by the Madrid City Council and the Association of Architects of Madrid (COAM) #Heritage #Profitability The proposal presented by n'UNDO in the competition called by the Madrid City Council and the...

 Wandering workshop n'UNDO "Walking the Jable"  Location: Lanzarote, Spain  Year: 2019 Customer:  - #Landscape #Biodiversity and Agriculture #Astronomy #Cultural Heritage #Architecture #Tourism  In Lanzarote, a strip of land, about 2 kilometres wide and 21 kilometres long, crosses the island. It is so called because of the deformation of the French word "sable",...