From the city inside the house to the city (is)home   Location: Bilbao, España Year: 2021 Frame:  UrbanBATfest10 Festival #Festival #Conference   When everyday life has had to be concentrated in just a few rooms (the city inside the home), the pandemic has exposed the limitations of our homes. From the window or...

UNCERTAINTY | n´UNDO at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2021   Location: Venice, Italy Year: 2021 Frame:  Venice arquitectura Biennale #Incertainty #Reflexion #Biennal #Venice   UNCERTAINTY The Anthropocene could be defined as the era of uncertainty, of the new liquid society-modernity. For the first time the human being, above Nature, is capable of altering the Planet; directly and indirectly,...

Architecture for Common Good Location: Helsinki, Finland Year: nov 2019 Framework:  International Architectural Conference #UrbanChallenges  #Discussion The International Architectural Conference  (https:/ brings together decision-makers, experts and influencers of the built environment. It explores architecture’s potential to create common good by combining cultural, social, economic, environmental and technical perspectives to the...

Enough: The Architecture of Degrowth. Location: Oslo, Noruega Year: 2019 Framework:  Oslo Architecture Triennale #UrbanChallenges  #Discussion   Oslo Architecture Triennale is an architecture festival looking at dissemination and discussion of architectural and urban challenges. ( In the unprecedented moment we are living, an urgent question is cast into relief: how should architecture respond to a...

Sounus Ipsum set to music the essay From Subtraction to celebrate the opening of n´UNDO Association to new memberships. Location: Centro cultural Puerta de Toledo. Madrid, Spain Year: 2019 Framework:  opening of n´UNDO Association to new memberships #Concert  #Desdelaresta   Sounus Ipsum members: Guillermo Alcober, Laura Gayoso, Eva Moreno, Genoveva Moreno,...

Workshop "De Placeo en Guadalupe" : Reactivation of the squares of Guadeloupe Location: Guadalupe, Cáceres (Spain) Year: 2018 Framework:9th UNESCO European Global Geopark Week Landscapes and Gardens Festival #Landscape #Society The network of squares in Guadeloupe forms a system of public space of great value which, according to the recent accessibility...

Emptiness, Subtraction and Silence | Subtraction and Renunciation in the Creative Process Location: Madrid, Spain Year: 2016 Workframe:  Jornadas n´UNDO at La Casa Encendida  #Criticism #Interchange #Interdisciplinary look The Empty days, subtraction and silence. Subtraction and Renunciation are proposed as an interdisciplinary look, as a common place of exchange, criticism, and knowledge....

EMPTY AND CITY | n'UNDO at the Venice Architecture Biennale Location: Venice, Italy Year: 2016 Framework:  Venice Architecture Biennale #Empty  #Architecture EMPTY AND CITY Rulfo told me: "To write you have to use the tip of the pencil that has rubber." In the art of writing, deleting words is as important...