"Orígenes" Workshop Location: Escuela de arquitectura de Sevilla, Spain Year: 2017 Framework:  SXVIII ETSAS Cultural Week #Subtraction #Reflection Questioning the origin, rethinking and dismantling our own essence, the why of what we are and what we were; this reflection on Seville places us at a point of cultural convergence, forms of...

Universal Accessibility in Urban Environments Location: Alcalá de Henares University, Madrid, Spain Year: 2014-2015-2016 Customer:  Escuela de Arquitectura de Alcalá de Henares (UAH) #Accessibility #University   n'UNDO participates in the transversal subject at the School of Architecture of Alcalá: Accessibility. The subject is approached from various groups and individuals both inside and outside the...

Kirkeness | Culture and Non-places Location: Kirkeness, Norway Year: 2017 Framework:  Oslo architecture triennale #Culture   Kirkenes is on its way to become a new hub in the incoming regional development. A development that unfolds in many different aspects: transnational, economic, touristic, cultural, urbanistic… In the midst of this rapid changes, new identities...

Emptiness, Subtraction and Silence | Subtraction and Renunciation in the Creative Process Location: Madrid, Spain Year: 2016 Workframe:  Jornadas n´UNDO at La Casa Encendida  #Criticism #Interchange #Interdisciplinary look The Empty days, subtraction and silence. Subtraction and Renunciation are proposed as an interdisciplinary look, as a common place of exchange, criticism, and knowledge....

Reflection | Boundaries between the urban and the wild, culture and nature Location: Toronto, Canada Year: 2016 Framework:  Grow op #Borderlines #Territory Recovery of territorial identity. Toronto has a unique territorial identity that already encompasses both a culture and a landscape. Any territory is a landscape, whether environmental, social or cultural, and an...

Adaptation of the Save The Children Foundation building for children at risk of social exclusion Location: Barrio de Vallecas, Madrid, Spain Year: 2016 Framework:  Save The Children Restricted Competition #Needless #Necessary #Desirable From the essential to the desirable The proposal contributes to the improvement of the environment of future users, with...

To want and be able to project in the city Location: Medialab, Madrid, Spain Year: 2014-2015 Framework:  Call Connecting Cities from Medialab Prado #PublicSpace #Advertising #Citizen participation Cities are being equipped with screens whose purpose does not always correspond to the needs or desires of the viewers/citizens. Moreover, the projection of...

Brussels: 100 m2=1cmx10km  Location: Brussels, Belgium Year: 2015 Framework:  Ideas competition We Traders  #Memory #PublicSpace   100m2 as line Retracing the Zenne in Brussels. We understand 100m2 as a line that recognizes and recovers landscape in the heart of the city. The path of the Zenne river is the site of our intervention. Brussels founded on...

Plan n´UNDO Don Benito Europan12 Competition : First Prize   Location: Don Benito, Badajoz  (Spain) Year: 2013 Framework:  Europan12 Competition #PublicSpace #Identity   n´UNDO proposes for Don Benito the improvement of its municipality from No Construction, Minimization, Reuse, and Dismantling, with a global long-haul project, which avoid any immediacy. Acting from a network of small...