Universal Accessibility in Urban Environments Location: Alcalá de Henares University, Madrid, Spain Year: 2014-2015-2016 Customer:  Escuela de Arquitectura de Alcalá de Henares (UAH) #Accessibility #University   n'UNDO participates in the transversal subject at the School of Architecture of Alcalá: Accessibility. The subject is approached from various groups and individuals both inside and outside the...

Emptiness, Subtraction and Silence | Subtraction and Renunciation in the Creative Process Location: Madrid, Spain Year: 2016 Workframe:  Jornadas n´UNDO at La Casa Encendida  #Criticism #Interchange #Interdisciplinary look The Empty days, subtraction and silence. Subtraction and Renunciation are proposed as an interdisciplinary look, as a common place of exchange, criticism, and knowledge....

Adaptation of the Save The Children Foundation building for children at risk of social exclusion Location: Barrio de Vallecas, Madrid, Spain Year: 2016 Framework:  Save The Children Restricted Competition #Needless #Necessary #Desirable From the essential to the desirable The proposal contributes to the improvement of the environment of future users, with...

Technical Report for the Decommissioning, Ecological Restoration and Life Cycle Impact Assessment of the Proposed Island Marine Project Location: Valdecañas Island, Cáceres (Spain) Year: 2015  #EcologicalRestoration #Dismantling The organizations Ecometro, Creando Redes and n'UNDO carried out the drafting of a Technical Report for the Dismantling, Ecological Restoration and Life Cycle...

Peri-urban intervention: Conservation-Permeability-Density Location: Ginebra, Switzerland Year: 2015 Framework:  Europan13 Competition #Dismantle #Reuse Intervening in Geneva implies altering a place with an already balanced relationship between city and nature and high quality of life, so a proposal designed from respect and deep reflection is needed. The proposal puts PROTECTION of the...

Urban plan for the improvement of the Basilica Square     Location: Plaza de la Basílica | Madrid, Spain Año: 2012 Framework: ASA Sustainability Ideas Competition | First Prize #Accessibility  #PublicSpace   The urban plan for the Basilica square, has as its starting point, the ideas competition organized by ASA Sustainability, for...