Design and drafting of the project for the enhancement of the Madrid Puerta de Atocha Station within the city and in relation to its architecture
Location: Madrid, España
Year: 2018
Customer: Adif
#Heritage #Rest
In 2018 ADIF hired the services of the technical office of n’UNDO (n’OT) to carry out an intervention plan at the historic Madrid Puerta de Atocha Station, to enhance the value of the Madrid Puerta de Atocha Station within the city and in relation to its architecture.
Since 2012, n’UNDO has been working in the area around Atocha, carrying out workshops and urban actions, to show that improvement from subtraction is not only possible, but also necessary.
This proposal has been made following the n’UNDO criteria and methodology, with the Resta as a mode of action, for the recovery and enhancement of the heritage building, for the improvement of physical and cognitive accessibility and circulation, and for its positioning as a genuine Puerta de Madrid.
The conclusions of the plan establish the guidelines from which to continue working to improve Atocha station. In no case is it intended to provide a single or closed solution, but rather to provide a tool for decision making, without losing the reference of the general strategy.
This report contains:
* Atocha element subtraction guide by phases.
* Atocha occupation and operation guide.
* Development of the 6 specific priority objectives (22 proposals):
– 1. Control the occupation of the station with elements that do not contribute to the general objectives by defining criteria.
– 2. Incorporate technology and innovation into the space and management of Atocha.
– 3. Define and review communication with criteria of integration, unity and accessibility.
– 4. To establish a publicity model that does not alter Atocha’s image.
– 5. To promote and exploit the value of the historic station as a hub of sustainable transport.
– 6. To build the digital identity of the Atocha Station as an autonomous element.
* Proposal for general intervention.
With the following associated documents:
* Matrices
– Synthesis Matrix 1: Analysis (Problems – Opportunities).
– Synthesis Matrix 2: Objectives and Proposals Financial Schedule.
* Guidance documents
– Classification and action on existing elements
– General criteria for the inclusion of elements, activities and contents in Atocha
– General criteria of materials in Atocha
– Specific material criteria for renewed or incorporated elements in the station
– Specific criteria of location, aesthetics and content of elements, activities in Atocha
* Plans:
– P0_Analysis plans
– P0.1_ Uses, occupation, management and operation
– P0.2_ Accessibility, mobility and transport
– P0.3_Information, advertising and communication
– P0.4_Environment, quality of space
– P1_Subtraction of elements
– P2_Plan Proposal: General strategy: occupation, uses and areas.